Sunday, July 27, 2008

Technology triumphs

Technology is changing every day so keeping up with it can be a challenge for those of us not really that way inclined. This, of course, is what the 23 things programme is designed to help with. We think nothing of using TV, video (not really any more), DVD, cell phones, etc that have been around for years and we would feel lost without them now.

We use Skype to keep in touch with family overseas - seeing them (and their surroundings) is so much better than just hearing them on the phone or texting.

Facebook is great for keeping up with people overseas and being able to view postings of the latest photos from the trip to Guatemala!

Flickr is useful for photographers to display their work and have it critiqued by their peers. PSNZ is using Flickr as a medium to display the images in the National Exhibition this year.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

You are already using many of the 'things' we are exploring with this programme. You will find many of the other things also useful and incorporate them in your daily life.