Sunday, July 27, 2008

Technology triumphs

Technology is changing every day so keeping up with it can be a challenge for those of us not really that way inclined. This, of course, is what the 23 things programme is designed to help with. We think nothing of using TV, video (not really any more), DVD, cell phones, etc that have been around for years and we would feel lost without them now.

We use Skype to keep in touch with family overseas - seeing them (and their surroundings) is so much better than just hearing them on the phone or texting.

Facebook is great for keeping up with people overseas and being able to view postings of the latest photos from the trip to Guatemala!

Flickr is useful for photographers to display their work and have it critiqued by their peers. PSNZ is using Flickr as a medium to display the images in the National Exhibition this year.

Flickr fun

I enjoyed finding images on Flickr and loaded some on my blog. Then I put some of my own on Flickr as a photostream and slideshow and had fun placing one image on a map.
I did not like the effects of Montagr but perhaps I just need to play with it a bit more.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tour Auto 2007

My sons at 'work' last year.

tour auto 2007

Seacat - St Ives, Cornwall

There are lots of cats in Cornwall, outside soaking up the sunshine. They are very friendly too.
I found this whole exercise very frustrating indeed - tried every which way to do things and nothing worked, then when I gave up, the image came through. There are several others out there in the ether waiting to be retrieved.

Storm over Auckland

Storm over Auckland
Originally uploaded by kiwigran
photo of yesterday's storm by Lynne LClayton

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Travel is the very best thing - seeing new places and exploring history, architecture and new beaches to walk on.

Cats are everywhere and I love them all.

Reading mostly fiction, female authors. Kerry Greenwood, Liz Byrski, Laurie Graham, Caro Fraser, Rachel Billington, Margaret Forster, Gil McNeil, Monica McInerny, Elizabeth Noble, Adele Geras. Mostly British but a surprising number of Australians.

Knitting simple designs with quick results. Reading about knitting too - fiction - Debbie Macomber's yarn shop series, Divas don't knit by Gil McNeil, Friday night knitting club by Kate Jacobs, Knitting circle by Ann Hood. I haven't read the knitting mystery series by Maggie Sefton. - has anyone else got any comments on them?